Clincal Marketing Specialist – Brachytherapy solutions
求人No. 128575
業務内容 |
DESCRIPTION - (Enter the key activities of the role) The Clinical Marketing Specialist – Brachytherapy solutions (CMS) is responsible for defining & executing the clinical marketing strategy, priorities and plans for the Brachytherapy portfolio for Region Japan. This strategy primarily involves drive the adoption of advanced clnincial techniques and new body site applications in academic and advanced customer sites and to drive the mainstream adoption of Brachytherapy in general in mid-tier and especially lower performing customer sites. The CMS will also be responsible for driving other customer development activities such as KOL and customer reference site development, proof-point development support (such as customer case studies, publications and podium / webinar activities) and supporting customer education & training initiatives including setting up and running Brachyacademy courses in Japan. Lastly, the CMS will be responsible in providing expert pre and post sales support to support new customer acquisition and also be involved in activities relating to increasing customer satisfaction. The CMS will work with the marketing and sales teams to support the development of sales enablement content, marketing material and also digital marketing content. The CMS will work with the BL Manager as the pivot to the Global BL team and provide structured product and workflow feedback as well as local clinical requiments and validating new products and features in the Japanese market. RESPONSIBILITIES - (Using e.g. bullet points, identify the detailed aspects and specific responsibilities of the role. ● Overall responsibility for defining the Regional clinical marketing strategy for the Brachytherapy portfolio for Japan ● Provide expert clinical applications support to help customers adopt advanced clinical techniques, expand new bodysite indications and drive mainstream adoption of brachytherapy ● Drive customer development programmes to increase the awareness for brachytherapy. Setup customer reference sites, customer KOL champions as well as supporting customers to generate clinical evidence and proof-points in the form of case studies, publications and keynote / podium related activities ● Provide expert pre and post sales support to help acquire new customers and drive activities that increase customer satisfaction & customer success ● Liaise with the Global BL team and act as the pivot to facilitate two-way communication regarding local product and workflow feedback as well as providing support for new product testing and validation for the Japanese market. ● Drive other clinical marketing activities such as: o Developing and executing awareness campaigns o Supporting clinical demos direct to customers and in exhibitions and events o Developing sales enablement tools, marketing materials and digital marketing content o Organizing internal events such as seminars, clinical summits, etc. Acting as the customer liaison for preparing presentations for webinars or other podium events ● Manage Brachyacademy related activites on behalf of Region Japan |
語学力 |
要 |
年収 |
500万~700万 |
給与 |
賞与 年1回 ※年俸制(12分割にて月々支給) ※上記年俸には残業手当および業績賞与は含みません。 ※給与は前職経験・年収を十分に考慮し、柔軟に決定します。 ・昇給:年1回 |
雇用形態 |
正社員 |
勤務地 |
東京都 |
休日 |
【休日】 土 日 祝日 【休日メモ】 ・完全週休2日制(土日)、祝日、および会社が定める日 ・有給休暇(10日~20日・勤続年数に応じて付与) ・特別年間休暇(年4日) 、年末年始休暇(12/29~1/4) ・リフレッシュ休暇(勤続満5年毎に、5日間の休暇を付与) |
福利厚生 |
各種社会保険完備 退職金制度 ・団体定期保険、選択型確定拠出年金 ・退職一時金 ・交通費支給 ・時間外・休日・深夜勤務手当 ・夜間早朝手当、特別手当・社内資格取得に向けた教育研修 ・顧客対応研修など、社内外の教育研修提供 |
事業内容 |
医療機器及び医療用放射線治療計画装置の輸入販売・保守 |
業種分類 |
メディカル/医療機器メーカー |
外資系医療機器メーカー(専門性領域) HWフィールドサポートエンジニア:未経験者