Internal controller
求人No. 133012
業務内容 |
【Main tasks/accountabilities】 ・Design and effectiveness of the Internal Control system: Provide the 1st Line of Defense (operational management, process owners) with adequate support in the design, implementation and evolution of the Internal Control system. Provide expertise on segregation of duties, access rights management, compensating controls, delegation of authority, security of payments etc. to ensure compliance with the Internal Control Manual, with particular attention on transforming projects (e.g. new ERP, BSC or other organizational changes…). Coordinate with other teams from 2nd & 3rd Line of Defense (Finance, Risk Management, Digital Security, Ethics, International Trade Compliance, Internal and External Audit...). Evaluate the proper design and execution of controls through a testing program (2nd level controls). ・Internal Control self assessment & action plan implementation: Coordinate the yearly Internal Control self-assessment campaign (Operational SAT on 26 core controls + 20 Key Questions), notably considering the conclusions of Internal and External Audits reviews. Monitor the design, update and implementation of the Internal Control improvement Action Plan, to correct deficiencies identified through Self-Assessment, Internal & External audits, consistently with the yearly orientations and priorities communicated by Group/Hub/Cluster IC. ・Internal Control promotion Raise management and employee’s awareness, provide training on Internal Control within your organizational scope. Contribute to and benefit from IC network with other Entity/Cluster/Hub/BU Internal Controllers, to share best practices and work on common projects. ・Coordination of the internal controlers in NEAPAC (Korea, AU/NZ) ・General and corruption Risk mapping ALJ and coordination of risk mapping at Neapac level ・SAPIN 2 accounting controls (twice a year) ・IPC (information protection coordinator), CSR coordinator, Cyber BCP coordinator 【Appeals of this position】 The internal controler is a key position in the entity interacting with all departments and business lines and is exposed to top management (CEO/COO/ Cluster Vice president) offering a lot of career opportunities and a good knowledge of the company. He/she is also interacting with HUB (Singapore) and other countries (Korea, Australia / New Zealand¥¥ |
語学力 |
要 (必須) 日本語ビジネスレベル(母国語、あるいは、上級レベル) 英語(ビジネスレベル以上) |
年収 |
900万~1600万 |
給与 |
残業手当:有 <給与補足> 前職の経験を考慮し、決定致します。 上記年収は目安であり、保障額ではありません。 ※上記は残業代を含まない金額になります |
雇用形態 |
正社員 |
勤務地 |
東京都 |
休日 |
年間休日123日 【休日】 土 日 祝日 会社規定 【休暇】 夏期休暇 年末年始休暇 慶弔休暇 有給休暇 【休日メモ】 5月1日(メーデー) 【休暇メモ】 社宅制度、傷病介護休暇、産前産後・育児・傷病・介護休業制度 |
福利厚生 |
各種社会保険完備 退職金制度 (確定拠出・確定給付年金制度) 通勤手当、家族手当、住居手当、健康保険、厚生年金保険、雇用保険、労災保険、厚生年金基金、退職金制 次世代育成手当、住宅補助、単身赴任手当・帰省旅費、通勤費、転園・転学補助、年末年始手当、時間外勤務手当、緊急呼出手当慶弔慰金制度、災害補償制度、 団体福祉総合保険、長期障害所得補償 保険、資格取得奨励金、財形、健康管理 制度(健康診断、人間 ドック、医師面談・ メンタルな健康維持相談等)、株購入割引優遇制度 |
事業内容 |
産業・医療ガスの製造販売 / 産業・医療ガス関連機器の製造販売 / 産業・医療ガス関連サービス / 大型空気分離装置などのプラントエンジニアリング事業 |
業種分類 |
エネルギー/その他 |
外資系大手産業ガス企業 Internal controller