イタリアの有名ラグジュアリーブランド*Outlet Merchandiser
求人No. 141936
業務内容 |
Main Responsibilities and Activities Develop Regional sales analysis (weekly and monthly) by product, providing feedback to the management on possible improvement actions. Track, analyze and forecast sales performance trends and sell-thru by product category -To optimize inventory level and improve turn over by planning ideal allocation orders. -To improve sell through by sharing directions of focusing items with all stores. Ensure frequent travel and guarantee constant presence in the relevant markets, in store visit when needed, to check product sales trends, clientelling profile, presence of a balanced product assortment and appropriate product exposure as well as a consistent image of the stores. -To analyze current sales trend by collaborating with store managers and occasional store visit. -To understand each store’s preference and customer’s demand and needs. Support with relevant market analysis to identify Regional requirements and sales trends, in terms of styles, models, functions, price ranges and competition trends. -To make replenishment orders of outlet productions and “carryover” merchandises based on sales trend and customer’s demand. Frequently interact with Regional stakeholders to understand market needs. If necessary, support in managing the special orders to boost sales growth. Participate in the implementation of the Brand merchandising strategies Deliver seasonal merchandising products training To share sales strategies with each store; focusing on the message of Pre/Main and Runway collections. Liaise and build strong collaborations with Key HQ and Regional Departments including Training, Visual Merchandising, Store Operations and Production -To communicate with HQ and build strong relationship. Effectively collaborating with counterpart and request each specific demand and regional needs. Perform other duties as required |
語学力 |
要 |
年収 |
600万~700万 |
給与 |
年俸制 賞与 年2回 前職での経験を評価 月給:年収の14割 (賞与2ヶ月 1月 7月) 7mil + 10% Incentive (Incentive) |
雇用形態 |
正社員 |
勤務地 |
東京都 |
通勤交通費 |
全額支給 |
休日 |
年間休日120日 【休日】 土 日 祝日 会社規定 【休暇】 年末年始休暇 慶弔休暇 有給休暇 |
福利厚生 |
各社会保険加入 ベネフィット・ワン 確定居室年金 社員割引 |
事業内容 |
婦人・紳士衣料品、服飾雑貨・皮革製品・アクセサリーの輸入及び日本国内での販売 上記製品の商標管理・商品の販売促進・広告宣伝 |
業種分類 |
メーカー/化粧品 メーカー/アパレル・ファッション 流通・小売/小売 |