求人No. 143539
業務内容 |
As a FP&A Manager, responsible for ARC’TERYX, one of brands under Amer Sports Japan, will be responsible for managing the FP&A and Controlling aspects of the finance team, including forecast, budgeting, planning, and analysis. This is a new stand-alone playing manager position, but you will have the opportunity to manage staffs in the future. This position requires from high level of accounting knowledge and skills to: - Lead the brand financial performance review, ensure the information accuracy and transparency, provide insightful financial analysis and facilitate the gap killing actions identification and decision making. - Lead the short term and long term (strategic) business and financial outlook for budget and forecast process. Work with brand head and brand team to assess the risk and opportunity on full P&L and key working capital movement. - Accomplish brand Oracle system inputs on time for budget and forecasts per guideline and requirement of Global and Headquarter finance teams - Lead brand retail stores opening/renovation/closing assessment process to facilitate the business decision making - Lead brand online and B2B channel KPI determination and follow-up - Deep-dive in brand operating expenses analysis, planning and control - Bridge Japan with Brand Headquarter and APAC regional team on ARC’TERYX, finance area. Provide insightful analysis per requirement and implement financial requirement locally. - Proactively solve issues with stakeholders - Drive and develop the solutions to continuously streamline and optimize the end-to-end resource planning process including demand/inventory planning and supply chain management, improve the transparency and accuracy. 概要・業務内容 補足 Network External: Customers, Auditors, External Tax Authority, Financial institutions Internal: Senior management, Department managers, Sales organization, Part of the core controllers network, Part of the Amer Sports Finance network |
語学力 |
要 ビジネスレベル(電話・メール等で使用機会あり) |
年収 |
800万~1000万 |
給与 |
年俸制 想定年収 Salary 9M-11M (incl. incentive15% / Japanese Yen) (Base around 8M-10M) |
雇用形態 |
正社員 |
勤務地 |
東京都 |
通勤交通費 |
全額支給 |
休日 |
- 有給休暇(入社時3日・半年経過後7日付与) - 夏季・年末年始・会社創立記念日休暇 - リフレッシュ休暇(最大5日/年) - アニバーサリー休暇(1日/年) - シックリーブ(最大5日/年) - ボランティア休暇(3日/年) - その他特別休暇・慶弔休暇 - 積立休暇(消滅する有休を積立て:上限60日) - 年間休日127日(2021年度) |
福利厚生 |
各種社会保険完備 退職金制度 - 給与改定年1回 - 交通費支給 - 社会保険完備 - 社員割引制度 - 契約スポーツジム割引利用 - UR賃貸住宅入居優待 - 退職金制度 - 確定拠出金制度 |
事業内容 |
スポーツ用品・機器及びその関連商品の製造、輸入、販売 |
業種分類 |
商社/専門商社 メーカー/アパレル・ファッション 流通・小売/流通 |
プロアスリート向け外資系スポーツブランド多数!*E-commerce Specialist