【Creative Studio】Digital Designer
求人No. 163326
業務内容 |
Responsibilities: *Supervise - Work with Creative Studio Director to oversee the creation and production of design solutions for all digital creative projects. - Oversee guidance of creative execution with external vendors and agencies. *Create - Strive to develop digital concepts that push the creative and technical boundaries while understanding how to balance limitations to reach amazing results. - Execute concept materials (mood boards, storyboards, references, etc.) and top quality design work on all points along the creative process. - Design campaign and platform related art direction, visuals, layouts, and UIs with superb visual communication and typographic skills. - Create visual design specifications, prototypes, and maintain design systems for consistent design. - Work across platforms and media including digital, events, CRM, and e-commerce to build experiences of varying levels of complexity. *Manage - Manage the quality of concepts, designs, and deliverables throughout all stages of a project to ensure quality and timeliness of output and delivery. - Work with the Project Management team to ensure projects are executed on-time and on-budget. - Review creative execution to ensure best work that is consistent with brand direction. - Orchestrate organization and execution of design assets (typography, images, logos/icons, etc.) for all projects. *Communicate - Work effectively in a bilingual environment (Japanese and English). - Confidently articulate creative rationale and enjoy leading design conversations. *Collaborate - Work collaboratively with Design Specialist, Copy Lead and Project Manager to ensure on-time delivery of work at all stages of projects. - Work closely with all team members to produce and deliver creative excellence. - Actively participate in all meetings including content and creative brainstorms with ability to provide ideas relevant to marketing and digital landscape trends. - Facilitate communication, collaboration, and learning across local and global teams to ensure creative and content alignment. - Work with Marketing teams to ensure the most creative and effective work is created. - Collaborate with IT, development teams, vendors, and agencies to monitor progress, troubleshoot, and ensure quality of final deliverables. |
語学力 |
要 |
年収 |
600万~900万 |
給与 |
月給制 賞与 年3回 《給与体系》 ① 基本給 ② 季節賞与(4か月) ③ 業績変動賞与(グレードに応じた掛率) |
雇用形態 |
正社員 |
勤務地 |
東京都 |
休日 |
年間休日120日 【休日】 日 土 祝日 【休暇】 夏期休暇 年末年始休暇 慶弔休暇 有給休暇 |
福利厚生 |
各種社会保険完備 退職金制度 ▼Benefits ・Health insurance ・Full transportation coverage ・Company PC/smartphone ・Condolence money ・Congratulatory money(Marriage/Baby) ・Staff sales (perfume & cosmetics / fashion products / watch & fine jewelry) ・Medical checkup ・Relo Club membership ・Recreation center / accommodation facility discount ・Sports gim ・Language training support -財形貯蓄制度あり - 社製品販売(香水・化粧品/ファッション商品/時計・宝飾) - フレックス勤務制度、有給休暇の他、病気休暇、保存休暇、慶弔休暇、その他特別休暇あり - 社内行事多数(年始全社員対象パーティー/お花見会/各種カルチャーイベント) |
事業内容 |
パリに本拠地を置く大手ブランド |
業種分類 |
メーカー/化粧品 メーカー/アパレル・ファッション 流通・小売/小売 |