IT Professional
求人No. 164118
業務内容 |
■About the Department At Novo Nordisk we are experiencing a rapid growth in sales over the recent years and along with the wide range of new products to be launched, we are re-enforcing our production capability world-wide. As our factory in Koriyama Factory (KFA) is also expanding the workforce, this exciting opportunity is now available for an IT Professional, KFA in Japan to handle overall IT system activities based on your strong IT background, working with 5 IT team members. The team members look after both the production system and the system for quality control (QC), and this position’s main accountability will be the production system, which is crucial for making sure that all the products go out of the factory with the adequate quality. ■The Position ・As an IT Professional, you will have a great opportunity to gain a wide range of experience working on IT projects including IT infrastructure (PCs and Network devices), security maintenance, user support/troubleshooting and daily maintenance etc., collaborating with local/global stakeholders such as the employees from the departments at the Koriyama Factory, CSDS (Contract Management and Sourcing, Devices and Sustainability), a superior organization within the manufacturing reporting line, IT team, Global IT team and Novo Nordisk Japan IT team. Are you passionate to be part of a world-renowned pharmaceutical company whose aim is to change patients’ lives? If yes, Our team is looking forward to work with you. Novo Nordisk Japan has opened a role for an IT Professional. Join our high-performing team, and apply today! About the Department At Novo Nordisk we are experiencing a rapid growth in sales over the recent years and along with the wide range of new products to be launched, we are re-enforcing our production capability world-wide. As our factory in Koriyama Factory (KFA) is also expanding the workforce, this exciting opportunity is now available for an IT Professional, KFA in Japan to handle overall IT system activities based on your strong IT background, working with 5 IT team members. The team members look after both the production system and the system for quality control (QC), and this position’s main accountability will be the production system, which is crucial for making sure that all the products go out of the factory with the adequate quality. ■The Position As an IT Professional, you will have a great opportunity to gain a wide range of experience working on IT projects including IT infrastructure (PCs and Network devices), security maintenance, user support/troubleshooting and daily maintenance etc., collaborating with local/global stakeholders such as the employees from the departments at the Koriyama Factory, CSDS (Contract Management and Sourcing, Devices and Sustainability), a superior organization within the manufacturing reporting line, IT team, Global IT team and Novo Nordisk Japan IT team. ■Duties include, but not limited to: ・For IT system developing tasks, you will be working in local/global IT system introduction projects (including IT infrastructure). Perform the scheduled activities in the development phase and verification phase with internal/external stakeholders collaboratively, and ensure that the system is handed over properly to the user department. ・Maintaining IT systems tasks such as management of existing IT systems (KFA local systems) and IT infrastructure (PCs and network devices), security maintenance, user assistance / troubleshooting, daily maintenance, document management, user training, life cycle management tasks, verify readiness for audit and inspections. ・As CSDS IT Process Group Member, you will attend regular meetings in English with IT members from other CSDS sites to understand and share good practices at sites and take advantage of them in KFA while introducing it in accordance with global procedures and processes. ・Making an effort in improving productivity such as in LEAN activities. |
語学力 |
要 |
年収 |
500万~1100万 |
給与 |
年俸制 賞与 年2回 ※前職を考慮して決定 |
雇用形態 |
正社員 |
勤務地 |
東京都 |
通勤交通費 |
全額支給 |
休日 |
年間休日122日 【休日】 土 日 祝日 【休暇】 年末年始休暇 【休暇メモ】 ■慶弔休暇、育児休業、介護休業 ■積立休暇制度 ■年次有給休暇(初年度12日 最高20日) |
福利厚生 |
各種社会保険完備 営業手当 日当手当(営業外勤日3000円~/日)■昇給年1回(4月) ■財形貯蓄 ■企業年金 ■退職金 ■慶弔見舞金制度 ■研修制度 ■借上社宅制度 ■クラブ活動、保養所 ほか ※借り上げ社宅制度:補助(6.5万円~11万円)エリアと世帯数によって金額が異なります。 |
事業内容 |
医療用医薬品、医療機器の開発、輸入・製造、販売 |
業種分類 |
メディカル/医薬品メーカー |
【ローンチ戦略】外資系大手製薬メーカー /Strategic Channel Manager