Fragrance and Beauty business team* CRM Project Specialist
求人No. 176750
業務内容 |
I. BUSINESS CONTEXT: Business context and operational challenges Although CHANEL is the No. 1 Beauty brand globally, it has great potential in the Japanese market, especially in the area surrounding Digital. In particular, it is necessary to draw out the business potential of the stores and the sales staff who interact with clients there, while building a unique method for CHANEL that is not second best to other companies. II. EXISTING AND FUTURE STAKES: Areas of transformation for the future - Develop and implement a content program aimed at engaging customers through LINE and mobile apps, with a focus on implementation and utilization in-store. Analyze customer trend data based on the above and lead the conceptualization, proposal, and implementation of the necessary content for the next phase. - Take responsibility for the above content at all customer touchpoints, involving various stakeholders (Corp. CRM, IT, Retail, Logistics, Finance, Education, Global CRM) to ensure the best customer experience. - Drive customer acquisition and retention, particularly based on Loyalty programs and engagement content. Manage gift operations and scheduling to facilitate these objectives. III. RESPONSIBILITIES AND ACCOUNTABILITIES: Based on above. - Establishment of loyalty program/ engagement contents KPIs in overall business, coordination with Retail, eBiz and Marketing team, and responsibility for continuous improvement of these KPIs. - Identify the impediments to loyalty program/ engagement contents in store activities and implement specific improvements, including not only systemic aspects but also sales staff actions. - Understand deeply the specificities of the Japanese market, negotiate with the global team and IT, and incorporate these specificities into the functionality to a reasonable extent. - Design and execute operations to ensure smooth implementation of these projects, and liaise with other departments, including the global team. - Timely follow up, if data error/ technical issue/ physical needs happened. The key stakeholders and working relation will comprise: - Japan Fragrance and Beauty business team - Japan Finance, Logistics, IT, Legal - Global CRM team, Global FBP IT What CHANEL can bring to the right candidates - Experience as a key luxury market leader - A company culture putting people first in every step on the way - Opportunity to interact directly with the French headquarters to propose and create your own plan to expand the brand's fan |
語学力 |
要 |
年収 |
700万~800万 |
給与 |
月給制 賞与 年3回 《給与体系》 ① 基本給 ② 季節賞与(4か月) ③ 業績変動賞与(グレードに応じた掛率) |
雇用形態 |
正社員 |
勤務地 |
東京都 |
休日 |
年間休日120日 【・完全週休2日制(土日) ※イベント実施時における土日勤務あ※ ・祝日・有給休暇、年末年始休暇、病気休暇、慶弔休暇、保存休暇 |
福利厚生 |
各種社会保険完備 退職金制度 ▼Benefits ・Health insurance ・Full transportation coverage ・Company PC/smartphone ・Condolence money ・Congratulatory money(Marriage/Baby) ・Staff sales (perfume & cosmetics / fashion products / watch & fine jewelry) ・Medical checkup ・Relo Club membership ・Recreation center / accommodation facility discount ・Sports gim ・Language training support -財形貯蓄制度あり - 社製品販売(香水・化粧品/ファッション商品/時計・宝飾) - フレックス勤務制度、有給休暇の他、病気休暇、保存休暇、慶弔休暇、その他特別休暇あり - 社内行事多数(年始全社員対象パーティー/お花見会/各種カルチャーイベント) |
事業内容 |
パリに本拠地を置く大手ブランド |
業種分類 |
メーカー/化粧品 メーカー/アパレル・ファッション 流通・小売/小売 |