E-Com Operation Specialist, Salomon*Salomon
求人No. 177829
業務内容 |
募集要項 Due to the expansion of Salomon's business in Japan, we are looking for new staff to join our team. E-Com Operation role is very important for e-commerce sales and customer satisfaction, so we are looking for someone who specializes in this area. Salomon has a high market share in trail running shoes and backpacks. We also offer sneakers, which are growing in popularity as a fashion icon, and winter sports gear such as snowboards and skis, so it is full of a variety of fascinating experiences. Let's enjoy the process of growing the brand together. 概要・業務内容 補足 ORDER PROCESSING OPTIMIZATION -Efficiently and accurately confirm process, and arrange shipping for orders to ensure timely delivery -Improve the order flow and provide clear delivery information to customers -Manage and optimize return and exchange processes to improve customer satisfaction -Work closely with the supply chain team to secure sufficient staffing levels for optimal delivery performance -Manage and order warehouse materials used for shipping -Train outside vendors and contractors and supervise staff scheduling for driving operational excellence. CUSTOMER SUPPORT -Respond promptly to customer inquiries regarding orders and work towards issues -Collect customer feedback and utilize it for site improvement -Enrich customer support contents, such as FAQs and maintain knowledge base within the CS team. DATA ANALYSIS / PROCESS IMPROVEMENT -Optimize and streamline business processes -Propose the introduction of new tools and technologies -Identify bottlenecks in order processing based on order history and customer feedback and suggest improvements -Monitor KPIs to quantitatively evaluate the effectiveness of site improvements |
語学力 |
あれば尚可 英語スキル(電話・メール等で使用機会あり) |
年収 |
600万~700万 |
給与 |
年俸制 Up to 7M base including12% incentive ※上記は目安です。 現職給与を考慮して検討させていただきます。 |
雇用形態 |
正社員 |
勤務地 |
東京都 |
通勤交通費 |
全額支給 |
休日 |
- 有給休暇(入社時3日・半年経過後7日付与) - 夏季・年末年始・会社創立記念日休暇 - リフレッシュ休暇(最大5日/年) - アニバーサリー休暇(1日/年) - シックリーブ(最大5日/年) - ボランティア休暇(3日/年) - その他特別休暇・慶弔休暇 - 積立休暇(消滅する有休を積立て:上限60日) - 年間休日127日(2021年度) |
福利厚生 |
各種社会保険完備 退職金制度 - 給与改定年1回 - 交通費支給 - 社会保険完備 - 社員割引制度 - 契約スポーツジム割引利用 - UR賃貸住宅入居優待 - 退職金制度 - 確定拠出金制度 |
事業内容 |
スポーツ用品・機器及びその関連商品の製造、輸入、販売 |
業種分類 |
商社/専門商社 メーカー/アパレル・ファッション 流通・小売/流通 |
プロアスリート向け外資系スポーツブランド多数!*E-tail Sales