【東京】Finance Partner
求人No. 178891
業務内容 |
■Job Purpose: Are you energized by a finance role that allows you to build highly effective business partnerships with senior stakeholders, grow your network and add real value to the business and your career? We are looking for a Finance Partner with finance expertise and a strong business acumen to partner the business, shape the strategy & forecasts, and be a valued contributor in decision making. Success in the role requires the ability to think critically, and influence and positively challenge key stakeholders at all levels. You will be instrumental in optimizing resources, proactively identifying opportunities, and securing return on investments. ■Key Responsibilities: ○ Accountable for financial performance of specialty medicine business unit. Including but not limited to: ・Provide financial guidance, insights, and leadership to the business and key stakeholders ・Support the development, alignment, and communication of the strategy & forecasts ・Ensure accuracy of financial results and support financial compliance and financial risk management ・Understand business performance, provide insightful intelligence & insight, identify risks, and propose interventions to meet targets ・Perform Financial scenario modelling/appraisal and build business cases, for example, Return on Investment of promotional activities, product launches, resource allocation, go to market strategy, benchmarking. Distil outputs and provide clear implementable recommendations using crisp, impactful, and effective communication ○ Lead/Oversee/Support sales & operation planning, market research, performance review ○ Facilitate enterprise thinking and develop Finance capabilities within the wider team ○ Navigate the cross-function matrix and form an internal network to provide intelligence and gather information disseminated across the different areas. Proactively manage the stakeholder relationships with medical and commercial. ○ Maintain an up-to-date business, market, and environment awareness, including market dynamics, competitor landscape, market research outputs, market access, end to end distribution models, clinical trial phases |
語学力 |
要 ■必要条件 ・Proficient communication in both Japanese and English |
年収 |
600万~1000万 |
給与 |
年俸制 賞与 年1回 |
雇用形態 |
正社員 |
勤務地 |
東京都 |
通勤交通費 |
全額支給 |
休日 |
年間休日122日 ■完全週休2日制(土日) ■祝日 ■年末年始 ■5月1日 ■四季休暇(5日) ■年次有給休暇(※勤続年数に応じて最高23日) ■積立年次有給休暇(※60日まで) ■特別有給休暇(リフレッシュ休暇、慶弔休暇、ドナー休暇など) ■出産休暇 |
福利厚生 |
■社会保険完備(雇用・労災・健康・厚生年金) ■従業員持株会 ■退職金制度 ■健康診断(定期健診、生活習慣病健診、人間ドックなど) ■育児休職制度 ■介護休職制度 ■在宅保育サービス割引制度 ■ACE Award制度(※会社業績アップに貢献した個人またはチームへの表彰制度) ■社内公募制度 ■各種研修(MR研修、管理職研修) ■自己啓発支援制度 |
事業内容 |
医療用医薬品および一般医療関連製品の創造、発見、開発、製造および販売 |
業種分類 |
メディカル/医薬品メーカー |