求人No. 114316
業務内容 |
KEY RESPONSIBILITIES: ・Take full responsibility to create, implement and verify J-RMP including all risk minimization activities for EPPV, risk communication activities and aggregate reporting such as J-DSUR, J-PSUR, Periodic Infection Report and Non-serious unlisted periodic report including reports for medical devices of responsible products/compounds. ・Take full responsibility to prepare and assess a summary of aggregate reports, revision of package inserts, Reexamination dossier, GPSP compliance inspection, Early Post-marketing Phase Vigilance, responses to regulatory inquiries, and others. ・Collaborate with members of JRML and PMSO for above mentioned activities in responsible products/compounds. ・Take a role as a core J-SMT member in collaboration with JPKK’s key stakeholders including JCoT members in responsible products/compounds. ・In a way that supports JRML, liaise with all other internal and external key stakeholders of responsible products/compounds.. ・Join related committee including partner companies as a representative of J-SMT of responsible products/compounds. ・Plan and monitor budgets and controls expenditures for responsible products/compounds in collaboration with JRML and Strategic Risk Communication Group. |
免許・資格 |
資格及び技能EQUIPMENT, TOOLS, MACHIERY AND MATERIALS: ・Proficient with Microsoft Office software programs are required. ・Proven ability to effectively use software applications for data entry, data analysis, word |
語学力 |
要 ・English communication skill (TOEIC 600 point and above), verbal, writing, presenting and facilitating. |
給与 |
年俸制 ※経験・能力を考慮し当社規定により優遇致します。 |
雇用形態 |
正社員 |
勤務地 |
東京都 |
通勤交通費 |
全額支給 |
休日 |
年間休日122日 【休日】 土 日 祝日 【休暇】 夏期休暇 年末年始休暇 慶弔休暇 有給休暇 【休日メモ】 完全週休2日制(土・日)、祝日、年末年始、リフレッシュ休暇、ボランティア休暇、ドナー休暇、その他 ※リフレッシュ休暇とは、年間で自由な日に3日間の休暇が1日単位で取得できる制度です |
福利厚生 |
各種社会保険完備 賞与、インセンティブ、残業等手当、みなし労働手当など通勤手当 営業手当健康保険 厚生年金 雇用保険 労災保険 企業年金・財形貯蓄 持株会 利子補給制度 ホームヘルパー制度 |
事業内容 |
・医薬品、医薬部外品およびその他これらに関連する製品の開発、製造、宣伝、配布、販売および輸出入 ・上記に関連または付随するあらゆる事業 |
業種分類 |
メディカル/医薬品メーカー |