求人No. 142687
業務内容 |
MISSION Responsible to play a central hub role in the co-ordination of Interior Design projects, from the design stage to the project completion, ensuring that all appropriate parties involved are fully briefed and have received accurate, up to date and timely information at all stages of the project, according to the schedule, the key milestones and deadline. MAIN ACCOUNTABILITIES •Responsible to coordinate Interior Design projects, following all progress steps until shop opening, preparing project schedule with key milestones, ensure the project runs to schedule working with local technical specialist partner. •Responsible for Recco calendar and meetings preparations, sharing construction budget with Financial & Administration, commercial team. •Investment plan verification with Financial & Administration/Managing Directors/Commercial Team. •Maintain focus on a particular geographical region, acquire in depth knowledge of the specific characteristics of the market, from a technical (e.g. permit lead times, local norms) cultural, retail/wholesale point of view. •Monitor activities with the architectural studio verifying that the work progress is in line with the project's timing. •Maintain constant integration with Interior Design creative team to adjust the implementation, to give feedbacks for concept improvement and work together on costs analysis and reduction costs/sqm. •Responsible for worldwide layout approval process with the Interior Design Director, Country Managing Directors and Top Management. •Supervision of approval of the security plan in advance with corporate risk department. •Manage the bidding process, following Interior Design procedure guidelines and administrative tasks to prepare and send/follow up purchase order documents and contracts to suppliers, including delivery schedule of orders. •Verification Project Status Recap and follow up with monthly conference calls with Country Managing Directors. •Global coordination on special roll out projects (see examples of bridal, lining, Le gemme, lighting, etc..). •Contribute to Interior Design & Visual Integration (process/organization and strategy) in coordination with the Interior Design managers about new openings, events, fairs, special projects, etc. •Responsible for project coordination and technical specialist fluid sharing of info, process/organization and strategy alignment. •Work with legal offices for contract preparation and with administrative specialists for all administrative aspects, follow up on invoices and payments. |
語学力 |
要 |
年収 |
600万~800万 |
給与 |
年俸制 賞与 年2回 |
雇用形態 |
正社員 |
勤務地 |
東京都 |
通勤交通費 |
全額支給 |
休日 |
年間休日120日 【休日】 土 日 祝日 【休暇】 夏期休暇 年末年始休暇 慶弔休暇 有給休暇 |
福利厚生 |
各種社会保険完備 退職金制度 ・昇給 有 ・賞与 年2回 ・通勤交通費・時間外手当 ・社会保険完備 ・財形貯蓄制度 |
事業内容 |
日本国内における高級ブランド製品の輸入および販売 |
業種分類 |
メーカー/化粧品 メーカー/アパレル・ファッション 流通・小売/小売 |
世界に発信を続けるイタリアの有名ハイジュエラー* Talent Acquisition Senior Manager /Manager