【郡山工場】cLEAN Partner
求人No. 174620
業務内容 |
■The position As a cLEAN Partner at Novo Nordisk, you will: ・Implement cLEAN methodologies to enhance production efficiency and quality, while identifying and addressing process weaknesses, recommending and executing corrective actions to improve operational performance. ・Drive the implementation of KFA cLEAN RoadMap, developing cLEAN Road maps in collaboration with relevant site stakeholders, and lead cLEAN projects, ensuring alignment with business objectives and timelines. ・Manage projects of increasing complexity, coordinating resources and stakeholders, monitor project progress and adjust plans as necessary to achieve desired outcomes, and persuade and influence stakeholders to follow new processes and improvements. ・Lead change initiatives at various organizational levels, fostering a culture of continuous improvement, apply data analysis methods to inform decision-making and process improvements, and train leaders and employees on cLEAN principles and practices. ・Continuously coach local site management and leaders in cLEAN Mindset, as well as develop an internal cLEAN trainer team and coordinate the implementation of cLEAN training. |
語学力 |
要 ・Advanced level of Japanese and English. |
年収 |
720万~1100万 |
給与 |
年俸制 賞与 年2回 ※前職を考慮して決定 |
雇用形態 |
正社員 |
勤務地 |
福島県 |
通勤交通費 |
全額支給 |
休日 |
年間休日122日 【休日】 土日祝日 【休暇】 年末年始休暇 【休暇メモ】 ■慶弔休暇、育児休業、介護休業 ■積立休暇制度 ■年次有給休暇(初年度12日 最高20日) |
福利厚生 |
各種社会保険完備 ・寒冷地手当(年1回)32,000~60,000円 ・住宅手当 ・確定救出年金 ・資格取得支援制度 ・研修制度(職種別、階層別研修) <その他> 社内クラブ活動(フットサル、テニス他) |
事業内容 |
医療用医薬品、医療機器の開発、輸入・製造、販売 |
業種分類 |
メディカル/医薬品メーカー |
【ローンチ戦略】外資系大手製薬メーカー /Strategic Channel Manager