CHANEL_Finance - FP&A Manager
求人No. 177328
業務内容 |
Business partnering for all the Corporate Functions, such as Media, Distribution, and Architecture. Responsibility ranges from the accurate and timely budget and forecast preparation, cost management process improvement, stakeholder management, ROI analysis, and providing key insights to support business and financial commitments. This role requires close collaboration with representatives from each Corporate Function, local finance team especially the other FP&A team members responsible for business divisions, and global finance partners in London and Geneva. <Business Facilitation (50%)> •Based on the thorough understanding of Chanel business from Corporate Function perspective, he/she expected to provide financial analysis and insights for continuous improvement. •Identify challenges within each department and drive long-term solutions through cross-functional collaboration. •Facilitate business decision-making by proactively leading discussions between business and finance teams. •Align with stakeholder expectations through effective communication and active engagement. •Conduct ad hoc financial analyses on key business topics, such as vendor selection, inventory management, and historical cost analysis. •Lead global projects, including the implementation of new financial systems for cash flow management and the installation of new processes. <Budget Cycle Management (30%)> •Lead budget and forecast cycles for all Corporate Functions by effectively collaborating with department business partners. •Ensure timely and accurate budget and forecast submissions by leveraging financial systems, budget meetings, and planning templates. •Lead the preparation of management presentations and present financial insights to both local and global stakeholders. •Coordinate headcount planning with the HR Department and report to the global team using the reporting system. •Drive continuous process improvements to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of budget and forecast processes. <Reporting (20%)> •Respond to inquiries from departments regarding Corporate Function expenses and work with the accounting team to ensure proper recording. •Prepare and share monthly actual expense reports with budget owners, ensuring follow-up on any exceptions. Reporting Structure: •Work as FP&A Corporate Manager to directly report to FP&A Director. |
語学力 |
要 |
年収 |
1100万~1200万 |
給与 |
年俸制 賞与 年4回 ① 基本給 ② 季節賞与(4か月) ③ 業績変動賞与(グレードに応じた掛率) |
雇用形態 |
正社員 |
勤務地 |
東京都 |
通勤交通費 |
全額支給 |
休日 |
▼休日・休暇 ・完全週休2日制(土日) ・祝日・有給休暇、年末年始休暇、病気休暇、慶弔休暇、保存休暇 |
福利厚生 |
各種社会保険完備 -・各種社会保険完備 ・交通費全額支給 ・PC・スマートフォン貸与 ・死亡時見舞金 ・結婚祝金 ・出産祝金 ・社製品購入制度(香水・化粧品/ファッション商品/時計・宝飾品) ・健康診断・人間ドック補助 ・保養所/宿泊施設優待 ・スポーツクラブ優待 ・語学研修優待 ・その他優待制度 ・社内行事多数(年始パーティー/お花見会/各種カルチャーイベント |
事業内容 |
パリに本拠地を置く大手ブランド |
業種分類 |
メーカー/化粧品 メーカー/アパレル・ファッション 流通・小売/小売 |